- 2023 “Seed”Chinese Teachers’ Vocational Ability Improvement Project of GCC Member States Schedule of HSK Level 3 and below
- 2023 “Seed”Chinese Teachers’ Vocational Ability Improvement Project of GCC Member States Schedule of HSK Level 4 and above
- فرم ثبت نام
- 2022 汉语桥“走进‘世遗’ ,品味中国” ——高级汉语人才线上研修班
- 2022“汉语桥·全民健身向未来”——欧亚青年线上秋/冬令营
2023 “Seed”Chinese Teachers’ Vocational Ability Improvement Project of GCC Member States Schedule of HSK Level 3 and below
2023 “Seed”Chinese Teachers’ Vocational Ability Improvement Project of GCC Member States Schedule of HSK Level 3 and below
Module class | Beijing time | Period | Course | Teaching form |
Chinese Skills (Week 1) |
March 3rd(Friday)
14:40-15:00 |
Opening Ceremony | Live | |
March 3rd(Friday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Chinese listening | Live | |
March 3rd(Friday)17:10-19:00 | 3 | Chinese speaking | Live | |
March 4th(Saturday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Chinese reading and writing | Live | |
March 4th(Saturday)
17:10-19:00 |
3 | HSK enhancement | Live | |
Self-studying | 3 | HSK test paper explanation | Recorded | |
Chinese Teaching Ability (Week 2&Week 3) |
March 10th(Friday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
How to design a successful elementary Chinese comprehensive course? |
Live |
March 10th(Friday)
17:10-19:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
How to teach Chinese characters more vividly? |
Live | |
March 11th(Saturday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Talk to the master How to make the teaching of vocabulary grammar easier? |
Live | |
March 11th(Saturday)
17:10-19:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
How to conduct effective and interesting Chinese phonetics teaching for GCC students? |
Live | |
March 17th(Friday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Trial lesson in group | Live | |
Self-studying | 3 | Modern technology assisted Chinese teaching | Recorded | |
Contemporary China and Society (Week 3&Week 4)
March 18th(Saturday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
Overview of contemporary China |
Live |
March 18th(Saturday)
17:10-19:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
Current situation of cultural exchanges between contemporary China and GCC |
Live | |
Self-studying | 6 | Chinese traditional culture | Recorded | |
March 24th(Friday)15:00-17:00 | 3 | Talk to the master
Comparison and development of urban landmark buildings between China and GCC |
Live | |
March 24th(Friday)17:10-19:00 | 3 | Experience of Chinese traditional culture: (paper-cutting)
Closing Ceremony |
Live |
2023 “Seed”Chinese Teachers’ Vocational Ability Improvement Project of GCC Member States Schedule of HSK Level 4 and above
2023 “Seed”Chinese Teachers’ Vocational Ability Improvement Project of GCC Member States Schedule of HSK Level 4 and above
Module class | Beijing time | Period | Course | Teaching form |
Chinese Skills (Week 1) |
March 3rd(Friday)
14:40-15:00 |
Opening Ceremony | Live | |
March 3rd(Friday)
16:00-18:00 |
3 | Chinese listening | Live | |
March 3rd(Friday)19:00-21:00 | 3 | Chinese speaking | Live | |
March 4th(Saturday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Chinese reading and writing | Live | |
March 4th(Saturday)
17:10-19:00 |
3 | HSK enhancement | Live | |
Self-studying | 3 | HSK test paper explanation | Recorded | |
Chinese Teaching Ability (Week 2&Week 3) |
March 10th(Friday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
How to design a successful elementary Chinese comprehensive course? |
Live |
March 10th(Friday)
17:10-19:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
How to teach Chinese characters more vividly? |
Live | |
March 11th(Saturday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Talk to the master How to make the teaching of vocabulary grammar easier? |
Live | |
March 11th(Saturday)
17:10-19:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
How to conduct effective and interesting Chinese phonetics teaching for GCC students? |
Live | |
March 17th(Friday)
17:10-19:00 |
3 | Trial lesson in group | Live | |
Self-studying | 3 | Modern technology assisted Chinese teaching | Recorded | |
Contemporary China and Society (Week 3&Week 4)
March 18th(Saturday)
15:00-17:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
Overview of contemporary China |
Live |
March 18th(Saturday)
17:10-19:00 |
3 | Talk to the master
Current situation of cultural exchanges between contemporary China and GCC |
Live | |
Self-studying | 6 | Chinese traditional culture | Recorded | |
March 24th(Friday)15:00-17:00 | 3 | Talk to the master
Comparison and development of urban landmark buildings between China and GCC |
Live | |
March 24th(Friday)17:10-19:00 | 3 | Experience of Chinese traditional culture: (paper-cutting)
Closing Ceremony |
Live |
*توجه داشته باشید فرم ثبت نام را حتما به زبان لاتین پر نمایید.
2022 汉语桥“走进‘世遗’ ,品味中国”
北京语言大学·汉语速成学院 ·中华文化国际传播中心
今年恰逢联合国《世界遗产公约》通过 50 周年,世界遗产作为构成世界各 民族认同的一个基础具有重要意义。中国目前已拥有 56 项世界文化和自然遗产, 是拥有世界遗产类别最齐全的国家之一。
本项目主题定位为“文化特色”类,招生规模控制在 200 人左右。根据主题 定向选择招生国别,面向亚洲、欧洲、非洲国家的中文专业学生、本土汉语教师 和其他从事与中国有关工作的具有较高汉语水平的人员招生。
项目在筹备中开发建设了共计 34 课时的全新课程。课程设计依据对教学对 象学习需求、语言文化水平和学习条件的调研,注重互动交流,呈现丰富多彩的 语言文化内容,虽在线上,仍可实现与线下同质同优的教学效果。本项目结束后, 要求每位学员课程结束时以 VLOG 视频形式提交“感言”作业,总结自己参加研 修班学习的感悟和收获。研修班最后一天,各班将举行演讲会,交流和反馈学习 成果。
本项目语言板块和文化板块课程共计 34 课时,每课时 40 分钟。本项目采用 “腾讯会议/钉钉”为教学平台进行课程直播。授课教师都已具有使用相关平台 进行线上语言课和文化课教学的丰富经验。在开班前,将分别建立班级微信群, 提 前发布课程表、教学材料、作业要求及其他各种通知。
北京语言大学·汉语速成学院 ·中华文化国际传播中心
体育运动、健康生活是全世界人民所共同关注的话题,也是创建人类命运共 同体的一个重要方面。北京两次如期圆满举办奥运会,不仅向世界展现了中国体 育健儿奋发拼搏的精神,也展示了中国传统文化与现代科技的完美结合,更是将 中国社会推动全民健身和全民健康深度融合的理念传递给世界。
今年的项目主题设为“全民健身向未来”,开发建设了“双奥主题汉语”、 “全民健身”、“健康生活”三大主题板块的课程。,旨在展示中国的双奥理念、 各类建设成果,及其在后奥运时代为全民健身事业所发挥的重要作用,传递中华 民族对于健康生活一脉相承的文化和智慧。
本项目采用直播、录播相结合的模式开展线上互动学习,通过系列组合式线 上课程
本项目主题定位为“当代中国”类,招生规模控制在 100-150 人之间。根据 主题定向选择招生国别,面向欧亚青少年汉语学习者招生。